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Data Mapping for Regulatory Compliance: A Comprehensive and Independent Trade and Transaction Reporting Control Framework

Client: Financial Services, Technology

Timeline: 6+ months, ongoing service & updates


Our client, a leading global provider of financial data and services, caters to a diverse set of global companies and firms impacted by various regulations, including MiFIR, EMIR, Dodd-Frank, and other G20 derivatives reporting obligations. They required a comprehensive, independent trade and transaction reporting control framework to help their clients meet regulatory demands and reduce the risk of regulatory scrutiny, regardless of their chosen reporting solution or the complexity of the workflow. The solution needed to be up-to-date with the regulatory and political landscape in each country where it was applied.


The main challenge lied in collecting a wide range of information from multiple sources, websites, and apps (SalesForce, Eloqua and others) and combining it into a unified portal with pre-built notifications and reminders functions. Additionally, our client requested a dashboard to reflect all the details regarding future conferences and summits and to predict ROI and specific events KPIs. The most challenging part of the project was to cleanup data gathered from different sources and provide relevant mappings for various fields.


Deliver an assurance platform that supports the current jurisdiction stack and can be extended to other jurisdictions and industry trends. The integration framework needed to support various sources, asset classes, and data structures. The new data mapping solution should be able to provide clients with the transparency and regulatory intelligence they need to ensure confidence in their reporting quality and reduce the risk of regulatory sanctions. The main challenge for Sprinterra was to coincide the launch of the new platform with the CFTC rewrite in December 2022.


Sprinterra developed a modular, scalable, and flexible platform that enables firms to identify and remediate errors and omissions while monitoring the completeness and accuracy of reporting via an eligibility engine and regulation-specific reconciliations.The platform provides global coverage, including CFTC (DFA), Canada, MiFIR, EMIR, SFTR, HKMA, MAS, ASIC, JFSA, and BOI. Our solution allows for seamless data mapping and adaptation to different countries' regulations and political landscapes. Sprinterra's user-friendly platform allows data integration specialists to make changes without developer support, thus increasing operational efficiency.

