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Custom Location Tracking for Fixed Assets in Acumatica

Client: Software and IT solutions company

Project’s Timeline: 8 months


Our client, an outsource IT solutions company with several offices located in multiple European countries and the US, needed a comprehensive solution to manage and track their fixed assets across their extended structure.


The challenge was to create a detailed location history and tracking system for all fixed assets that would provide precise information about each item's whereabouts. The client required a system that could not only track the standard country and city details but also building, floor, room, and space ID to ensure proper control over their assets.


Sprinterra developed a custom history and location-tracking feature using Acumatica xRP framework and integrated it into Acumatica's Fixed Assets module. This feature enables item tracking at a very detailed level, allowing for easy updates to the system for any asset relocation. The location history functionality tracks every movement of every asset since its purchase, making asset management more transparent and efficient.
