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Data Warehouse & Reporting Solution

Client: A Regional Bank (US)

Project’s Timeline: 8 months


Our client faced challenges utilizing a legacy data warehouse system that could no longer meet the required capacity and could not be integrated with modern BI solutions and external visualization tools, leading to workflow interruptions.


The client needed a more scalable, flexible, and affordable solution to meet its increasing data storage and reporting needs, while ensuring no workflow disruptions. To maintain its value as a decision-making tool, DWH system required changes in the business logic.

Solution: Cloud ETL process, Data Storage and Visualization

Sprinterra developed a unique data ETL process automation with an Ad Hoc Query reporting module and introduced a new Cloud Data Warehouse solution. Our goal was to build API-enabled data extraction processes and comprehensive data-storing solutions with powerful BI layer on top to collect, analyze, visualize and report on various functions within the company.

Results: Cloud-Based Innovative DWH & Seamless Reporting

Sprinterra's solution helped our client to unify previously fragmented reporting processes in a single cloud-based data warehouse environment. The new system was successfully integrated with numerous data visualization solutions, providing greater possibilities for extracting insights from various platforms.


