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An Automated Closing Workflow for Real Estate Attorneys

Client: A Real Estate Legal Group

Timeline: 18 months


Our client, a group of NY/NJ/FL real estate attorneys, required an application to automate the real estate closing process. Our objective was to simplify and automate document management, financial transactions, and communication, all while ensuring the highest level of security.


Our primary challenge was two-fold: first, creating a comprehensive application that effectively managed various aspects of real estate transactions, and second, integrating this application with third-party services. These integrations were crucial for correct property address identification, enabling subscription-based payment options, etc. The application also needed to handle extensive real estate documentation and sensitive data securely.


Sprinterra developed an innovative web application with a user-friendly interface. It features an automated document management system which allows for faster closing of deals and eases the process of filling out numerous forms. The app also includes tools for automated tax and fee payment, as well as commission calculation for all stakeholders. It features customized reports, templates and a calendar. The platform seamlessly integrates with FirstAmerican and Google Geocoding API for property look-up and details. The application also offers subscription plans through Stripe for secure payment processing.


CLOSING WAY Web development UI/UX Workflow/Documentation